Keon Washington, more widely known as “Keon the Barber” Born in a small spot on the of map Indian town called Nassawadoux, VA surrounded by many other small backwoods towns, needless to say Keon was raised a country boy. Virginia happens to be a state known for having insanely talented stylist. “I have been cutting hair […]

Wine Connoisseurs are Generous by Nature

One of the endearing personality traits of wine lovers in Greenville is their generosity. This kindness translates annually to the American Red Cross of Upstate South Carolina Fine Wine Auction, which is now in its 16th year. Last year $260,000 was raised in this one evening to benefit Red Cross programs and services that provide […]

Super Foods

Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and rakkyo. With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region, as well as a […]

The Perfect Bar

There’s chocolate…and then there’s CHOCOLATE!! (We’re the latter, in case you’re wondering.) We’ve conceived and crafted, measured and mixed, our magical and uncompromisingly faithful recipe during many, many, many late nights. In fact, that’s how we got our name: Night Owl Chocolate. We realized quickly, however, that not all chocolate is created equal. There is […]

Photo of shrimp

Many things contribute to making a food photograph look natural. But looking natural is only one goal of a photo and usually not the highest goal. We usually photograph food in order to sell more product. I’m saying that making the photo look natural is good, but may not always be the most important thing.

Nill Silver Photography is on it’s WAY!!!

    Nill Silver Photography is a full service photography studio conveniently located in Greenville, SC. At our studio we specialize in Commercial Photography, Business Portraits, and Editorial Photography. With a seventeen years of professional experience we have developed a contemporary photography session that captures the personality of our subjects through unique/casual posing and simple […]